Get Your House Ready to Sell in 30 Days

May 15, 2021 | Home Selling

If you are thinking about selling your home, the list of upgrades, fixes and “To-Do’s” to get it ready can seem overwhelming. If you are living in your home while trying to sell it, the task can seem impossible. To save you stress and frustration, we’ve laid out a simple schedule of tasks and jobs for each week in the month to help get your home ready to sell in only 30 days.

The goal of preparing your home for sale is to make it as clean, open and inviting as possible. And the good news is that all the work that goes into getting your house ready now can help improve your purchase price. So here we go – time to get your home ready in 30 days! You can do it!


Week 1

Find An Agent

You’ve decided to sell your home. Congratulations!  Now it is time to interview some Real Estate Agents. If you’ve got someone you’ve worked with before, great! If not, this is an excellent time to meet with a few agents. Get recommendations from your friends and family to find someone that’s right for you, or give us a call!


Dig Out Your Paperwork

Now is the time to find all of your documents – the warranties, bills, tax bill, mortgage information, leases and rental agreements. Get them all in order now, and you’ll be ready for any questions from your agent or potential buyers.

Make A Plan For Your Stuff

Ok, this is a big one. Now is the time to start going through all your belongings and sorting things into categories to help you declutter and pack. You want to get rid of as much stuff as possible to make your home open and inviting. Bonus, it also makes it easier to pack when it is time to move.


Sort your belongings into three categories:

  1. Things you need to keep and use while you are selling your home – this includes personal necessities like your toothbrush, kitchen items, a few clothes, etc.
  2. Things you want to keep, but you can pack away now.  Include seasonal items, extra furniture, personal keepsakes and any large art pieces.
  3. Things you want to give, sell or throw away.


Go through everything in your home and make sure everything falls into one of those three categories. Then using your best guess, make a storage plan for the things you want to pack away. Find a storage space, rent a bin, or alternate place to keep your things.

Then get all the boxes and packing supplies you need.


Week 2

It is time to pack! Each day focus on a different room in your home – or divide your entire home into 7 sections, if you have a larger house. Place items you want to keep but pack away into clearly marked boxes and have another box for items you want to sell or give away.

Kitchen: Clear away all the things on your counter, your blender, mixer, bread machine. You want to show potential buyers that your home is spacious with lots of storage. If you have a basement, this step may require more than one day. Sort through your things and clear out as much space as possible. Don’t forget your closets and storage spaces! Potential buyers will open every closet and door, make sure it is clean and clear!

Be sure to take a look through your home and remove all your personal belongings – family photos, souvenirs, etc.  You want buyers to be able to imagine themselves in your home so make it a neutral as possible.

Once you have gone through your entire home, bring all the boxes you want to keep to the storage area you arranged last week. Make a plan to sell or donate the things you no longer want to keep.


Week 3

Ok last week was a big one, but hopefully with all your hard work you’ve cleared away the clutter and are ready to start fixing and upgrading your home to make it even more appealing to potential buyers.


Take a walk through your newly decluttered home and make a list of anything that needs fixing or updating. Make time to do the repairs yourself or call in some outside help.

A fresh coat of paint is one of the cheapest ways to make things look bright and new.

Don’t forget about changing out old lightbulbs and updating your light fixtures. If your shower curtain or curtain rods in your bathroom are getting old, now is the time for some new upgrades! You should also invest in new throw pillows for your couch and a neutral duvet cover and pillows for the bedrooms.

Call in Your Realtor!

Now it is time to bring in your realtor! They should be very impressed with all the work you’ve done. They should also have expert staging and preparation advice to help showcase your home in the best light.


Week 4

Think Curb Appeal

The outside appearance of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see. Be sure it makes a good impression. Clean up the yard and garden. Maker sure outside lights are clean and working. Give your front door a new coat of paint or get a new one if it is looking old. Don’t forget about your backyard. Be sure things are clean and neat.

Hire A Cleaner

Now that your home is free of clutter it is time for a deep clean. If you can, the best way to do it is to hire a professional cleaner who can make every surface sparkle.

Have Professional Photos Taken

Now that your house is immaculate it is time to get your realtor to take photos. These will show off your home in the best light and especially in pandemic times are your best sales tool to attract potential buyers. Your realtor may also hire a professional stager to come in and make your house look its best.

Make a Plan for Showings

If you are living in your home while it is on the market, and especially if you have kids or pets you need to have a plan to do a quick clean and get out of the house before a showing. Keep a few baskets around for personal items and have cleaning products handy for a quick wipe down of bathroom and kitchen surfaces.  Also make sure your home smells clean and good when buyers walk in the door.


There! Phew! You did it! Congratulations. Your home is ready to sell.


If you are looking for help with selling your home in Windsor and Essex County, get in touch with The Dan Gemus Real Estate Team. Our expert agents can advise you on your area’s most current market trends and talk you through the entire process.  Let us help you get the best price for your home. Call us today!

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